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Bird Is The Worm parle de nous !

Bulletin posté le 28/11/2017

Watchdog - Can of worms
There’s a captivating quality to this fun session from the duo Watchdog.  Clarinetist Pierre Horckmans and pianist Anne Quillier create a hazy environment where melodies appear warped and wobbly and out of focus.  The duo exploits those qualities to amplify the harmonic effects, and this is where the real fun begins.  Quillier mixes in some moog and Fender Rhodes, which adds an element of the organic and electronic battling it out within all of that hazy expressionism.  Something a little different, to be sure._!_There’s a captivating quality to this fun session from the duo Watchdog.  Clarinetist Pierre Horckmans and pianist Anne Quillier create a hazy environment where melodies appear warped and wobbly and out of focus.  The duo exploits those qualities to amplify the harmonic effects, and this is where the real fun begins.  Quillier mixes in some moog and Fender Rhodes, which adds an element of the organic and electronic battling it out within all of that hazy expressionism.  Something a little different, to be sure.
Dave Sumner le 28 novembre 2017 - Bird Is The Worm
