Blast - Concert Dessiné
A universe in spontaneous interaction between the image and the sound material, born from the meeting between the musicians of the Blast trio and the drawer Benjamin Flao.
Both theatrical and unpredictable, this concert is at the crossroads of different musical genres (jazz, rock, pop and electronic music) and directly inspired by the drawing.
The stories are told by the music put in image for a universal and all accessible show.
"There is a form of music in the simple act of putting a black line in the middle of a blank page"
Benjamin Flao - ActuaBD
"The young, mixed and enthusiastic public has been subjugated: a real sound and visual experience!"
Patrick Ducher - Ciné Artscène
Creation co-produced by Collectif Pince-Oreilles and Periscope - Lyon / France with the support of CNV, CNM, la Région and Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France
Benjamin Flao : drawing
Pierre Horckmans : clarinets, effects
Guillaume Bertrand : drums, sampler
Anne Quillier : Rhodes, Moog
+ Matthieu Ribun : sound engineering
The band has been here
Bulletin posté le 30/04/2021La dessinatrice Coline Llobet et BLAST ont créé un 2ème concert dessiné que tu peux appercevoir ici:
Drifting classé dans 'Best Jazz on October' sur bandcamp !
Bulletin posté le 07/11/2018
Le nouvel album de Blast (Drifting) fait parti de la sélection des meilleurs disques d'octobre aux côtés notamment du dernier album de Ben Wendel et de celui d'Aaron Parks !
Il a également fait la Une de Fip et un passage dans Open Jazz/France Musique le jour de sa sortie:
Everything about this album is dramatic, and that’s the source of its fun. The Blast trio of keyboardist Anne Quillier, bass clarinetist Pierre Horckmans, and drummer Guillaume Bertrand go big with every melody, and the harmonic waves that follow in their wake are rich with electronic effects and rhythm. The heavy influence of rock music is a lit match to music that was already pretty damn combustible. That said, when the trio get contemplative on “CX Diesel,” the quieter tones radiate a heat that burns just as strong.
BLAST sort un disque et un clip !
Bulletin posté le 12/09/2018
BLAST sortira son 2ème album Drifting le 12 octobre prochain avec Benjamin FLAO au dessin!
Pour l'occasion, le groupe sort un clip réalisé par Bruno Belleudy.
Drifting est disponible ici et chez Inouïe Distribution
et en concert ici
On serait tenté de dire au sujet de “Drifting” qu’il évoque certaines de ces musiques psychédéliques qui favorisent des départs immobiles. Quelque chose de l’ordre d’un voyage imaginaire ainsi que Fred (le créateur de Philémon) et Henri Michaux (le poète de L’Espace du dedans) ont su le proposer. Du reste, ce disque de jazz particulièrement open fait remonter à la mémoire le souvenir de Gong (Camembert Électrique) et de Henry Cow, et ses hardiesses ne sont jamais éloignées des libertés de Carla Bley. L’oeuvre est ouverte certes, mais surtout sensible et suprêmement addictive."
Guy Darol - Jazz Magazine
BLAST nouvel album et concert dessiné!
Bulletin posté le 06/05/2018
BLAST sortira son 2ème album le 12 octobre prochain!
Il est possible de le recevoir courant mai en le commandant ici:
en mai le groupe sera en résidence au Périscope avec le dessinateur Benjamin Flao et en concert
à partir d'octobre!
12/10/18 - le Périscope (69)
18/10/18 - Legta de Quetigny (21)
9/11/18 - en cours
10/11/18 - Amanita Muscaria (31)
11/11/18 - en cours
17/11/18 - le Galpon (71)

"It's a natural encounter. The electric jazz trio Blast claims the influence of comics, to the point of having taken its name from Manu Larcenet's cult album and regularly paying homage to Pascal Brutal, the unlikely hero of Riad Sattouf. In addition, the many voices enameled his records show his taste for stories, if it was necessary to guide the listener further into instrumental landscapes already evocative. For his part, Benjamin Flao, rising arrow of the hexagonal comics, has also produced many record covers and affirms a musical approach in his creative gesture. Successful multidisciplinary collaboration the drawn concert that brings them together is an example of successful multidisciplinary collaboration, not only - it was the trap - a juxtaposition of two parallel discourses. They are not placed on either side of the screen as usually when musician are in the presence of projected images. Here the group faces it, assuming to turn its back on the public and to leave on this occasion its most built compositions to freely inspire the drawings in construction that it discovers at the same time as us. During the song "Forbidden planet", we say that the performance of Pink Floyd and Soft Machine in London in 1967, accompanied by a psychedelic light show, had to look like that. Flao plays with the colors but also with the textures, moving in rhythm of cosmic nebulae ... unless it is a battle of molecules ... But to mention only this moment of the show would be insufficient and unfairly ignore the exceptional mastery of the draftsman. By an astonishing economy of movements, unfolds before us puzzling and strong scenes, desert landscapes that one imagines post-apocalyptic. Staged unknown animals or anthropomorphic tribes, in stories unraveled in stages, improvised but not devoid of theatrics and humor. In terms of control, Blast is not left out. If the device also seems relatively uncluttered (keyboard, clarinet, drums), the sound palette seems infinite, each pushing its instrument to its limits, as much in the tessitura as in gaming styles and electronic treatments, but still preserving the musicality. Amazing musicians with numerous parallel projects, this one stands out from the others by being the one who moves furthest from jazz to rock and electro, as poetic as it is energetic, both sensitive and exhilarating. And, if so much improvisation retains a bit of these performers to show us here the full extent of their talent for composition, we will not fail to get their records, just to remember that Benjamin Flao and Blast can also be enjoyed separately."
Benjamin Croizy

"Inspired from the first hour by the tortured drawings of "Blast", the trio takes the name and the epic of "old carcass" from the illustrator Manu Larcenet. The first opus of the trio gave pride of place to the world of Larcenet, this new album: "Drifting", is for him a creation at the conjuncture between the drawings of Benjamin Flao and the hypnotic music of Blast. On a canvas backdrop of a mysterious intergalactic tale, Flao's drawings are created and animated live with the tortured keyboards of Anne Quillier, the melodies and accents of Pierre Horckmans on the clarinet and the suspenseful effects of Guillaume Bertrand with samples and drums. The universe is drawn in parallel between music and illustrations. The attention is fixed on the images but can not get rid of the music which accompanies them and gives them life as well as the hand of the draftsman. The characters evolve to the rhythm of the music, the images shrink as the brush stroke accelerates. One could speak of a quartet as both musicians and illustrator play the same score with the instruments of their own. The configuration of the group back to the public and the few lights that allow the configuration of the Vauban room forces the audience to "listen to these drawings": just as the notes fade, the drawings are made and discarded as and when as the story is played out. The music is experimental as the brushstroke and we play with sounds as with the material to prove conquered audiences that improvisation is not only a matter of jazz but also drawing."
Claire Jalmain

"The Blast trio invited the Lyon public for a colorful evening.
For the release of his second album Drifting, the Blast trio invited the public of Lyon to Periscope for a colorful evening. In addition to the discovery of this new repertoire, it was the opportunity to unveil the new scenic creation of the trio, which in this case was a quartet.
Between drawing and Blast, it's a long story that has its foundation from the beginning of the group, since it takes its name from the famous comic Manu Larcenet. It's no wonder, then, that in 2017, as part of the Lyon BD Festival, Periscope invites the group and the drawer Benjamin Flao to collaborate for an improvised sketched concert. Alchemy is such that the idea of setting up a project together germinates very quickly. Taken by the Pince-Oreilles collective in coproduction with the Periscope, this creation could not find better case than the release party of Drifting, of which Benjamin Flao signs the cover.
Everything converges on the screen where the drawing is played: the audience, but also the musicians who seem to be imbued with the designer's features and are both actors and spectators. The curves are musical, the music is imaged and Benjamin Flao improvisator, colorist of Blast, from moving vignettes, tells stories that the sounds of the trio influence.
Musically, the new repertoire marks a real rise in the group. The identity of Blast is there, it has matured. Successful and consistent, the subject is clearer and more direct than ever. The sound twists are resolved in melodic and harmonious layers. The musicians enjoy and play with a disconcerting simplicity a music yet never simplistic. On the technical side, do not forget Matthieu Ribun at the controls: he treats the sound of the band in a powerful, full-bodied way, and gives the compositions a hue that stands out from the work of Adrian 'Bourget on Drifting. Two different but complementary approaches.
Many people were won over by the strength and beauty of this concert to watch. Skilfully brought to light by Benjamin Thielland, music nourishes the images that nourish music and this perpetual movement creates a soundboard of sound bubbles, the time of an evening story; of those who print and stay."
Raphaël Benoit

The periscope (rue Delandine - Lyon 2) was full as an egg, October 12, 2018 to welcome the trio Blast came to present his second album entitled Drifting.
The young, mixed and enthusiastic audience was captivated by the hypnotic sounds developed by Anne Quillier's keyboards, Pierre Horckmans' clarinets accompanied by Guillaume Bertrand's drums. This concert was in fact a real audio and visual experience as the illustrator Benjamin Flao captivated the audience with drawings made with markers and brushes and projected live on a screen behind the group.
The illustrations of Benjamin Flao have taken listeners-listeners on a long journey. These have been transported to sometimes disturbing territories, such as a molten volcano, a boat that is thought to be enshrined in an arid Aral Sea, but which transforms itself under the furious brushstrokes of the artist into raging waves. Phantasmagorical characters appear and disappear: silhouettes in movement, animals of desert lands, old indians with cracked skin ...
Who is doing the concert? The drawing that creates an atmosphere or music that furiously punctures some brushstrokes? The trio is often turned in front of the screen and discovers the forms as and when. The album sounds completely different in live. Where some pieces of the CD were rather hilarious, even throbbing, the live takes a whole other dimension. We ourselves become "drifters", we feel an urgency to move to mark the sustained rhythm of the musical magma that unfolds before us, as an orderly process.
Patrick Ducher

photo : JC Sarrasin

photo : Bruno Belleudy

photo : Bruno Belleudy
Cultural activities
BLAST : Concert dessiné / Conservatoire André Messager, Lycée Madame de Staël de Montluçon - Février 2022
Bulletin posté le 24/09/2024
INTERVENANT.ES : (Anne Quillier, Pierre Horckmans, Guillaume Bertrand) & Coline Llobet (dessinatrice) – Collectif Pinces Oreilles et Le 109 de Montluçon
Du 8 au 10 février 2022, une fascinante interaction s’est construite entre les musiciens élèves du Conservatoire André Messager, les élèves en option musique et arts plastiques du Lycée Madame de Staël de Montluçon, le trio de musiciens lyonnais Blast et la dessinatrice Coline Llobet.
En effet, ces derniers étaient réunis pendant 3 jours dans le cadre d’une résidence de création à l’Auditorium du Conservatoire, qui donnera lieu à une restitution publique le samedi 12 mars sur la scène de la Grande Salle de l’Embarcadère (109 Montluçon).
Après un travail préparatoire réalisé en cours à l’automne puis une rencontre lors d’une « répétition ouverte » en décembre du groupe Blast dans la salle de l’Embarcadère du 109, les élèves participants au projet, les enseignants, le trio et la dessinatrice se sont retrouvés à l’auditorium du Conservatoire en ce début février.
L’objectif de ce temps de travail commun ? Une initiation à l’improvisation collective liant musique et dessin. Et par la même, la découverte de nouvelles esthétiques musicales et interdisciplinaires et l’occasion pour les participants de jouer un répertoire sur scène avec des artistes professionnels. Après une rapide présentation du dispositif visuel et sonore de Blast, les participants se sont répartis en groupe pour défricher le travail préparé en amont avec les professeurs de musique et d’arts plastiques du conservatoire et du lycée. Puis sur le plateau de l’auditorium, ils se sont essayés à l’improvisation avec dessin projeté en explorant différentes méthodes d’expression : voix, bruitage, percussions corporelles, soundpainting,… Blast les accompagnant à créer sur l’instant une relation entre images et matières sonores. La mise en place du déroulement de la création et un filage a ensuite permis aux participants d’appréhender le spectacle dans son entièreté.
- Vidéos :
- Clip "Livskraft" :